#048: Are HAM RADIO CLUBS GOOD OR BAD for you?
Are you a member of a club? Are you not a member of a club? Why are or aren’t you a member? What benefits does a membership have? This and much more on this...
Are you a member of a club? Are you not a member of a club? Why are or aren’t you a member? What benefits does a membership have? This and much more on this...
We simply ran out of time last week, so it’s time to continue on antenna building. Links
Have you ever build an antenna? What do you need for it? What should your first antenna build be? This and much more in this weeks episode of TEHRS. As promised; the link for...
Have you ever wanted to take your radio up on a mountain? Did you know that there’s a program called SOTA? How is it done? What do you need? How does it work?
This is a follow up from last weeks stream where we discussed how to start with POTA. This time we will be covering what gear you should start out with, and more important what...
Have you ever wanted to do POTA, but you don’t feel that you know how to do it? Fear not, we will walk you through the process from planning to activating and submitting your...
We’re all busy, we all have things to do that is interfering with us wanting to do ham radio, but how do we make time for our wonderful hobby?
Sometimes you come across those really weird people or the strange signals. What are our weirdest episodes on the radio? I can see a lot of tangents coming on this show.
What is POTA in Alaska like? Is it anything like POTA in Norway since the latitude and geography is similar, or is it more extreme? Hopefully Jeramy KL7EC and Sean KL5NE can tell us...
Is Meshtastic the CB of the 2020s? Is it useful as a mean of emergency communication. Is it any fun? Well we don’t know, so we invited @andykirby and @RingwayManchester to help us figure...