Author: LB5JJ

#068: Antennas and more – With Chris M0VUE

This week we have a guest we have wanted for a while. Chris M0VUE is the band behind,. Let’s hear why Chris decided to become a ham, why he started making antennas and...

#066: Winlink Made Easy

What is Winlink? Is it difficult? Why Would we want email over ham radio? This and much more on this episode of TEHRS.

#065: Repeater Basics – With George KJ6VU

How does a repeater work? I there any magic to it, or is it actually understandable. Please join us for this episode where we try to understand how a repeater actually works.

#064: No guest, no problem!

What do we do when we have to do a show without a scheduled guest. We do this!

#063: All the FIELD DAY MADNESS!

This weekend is the official Field Day for most of the European countries, and some of us are actually going out to operate. How was it? Is less really more? To quote the great...

#061: Ham Radio Logging for Dummies

We all log in our own ways, and for a beginner that can be really hard. How about we make this a little simpler for you, at least we hope so.

#060: Ask us Anything – Part II

Okay, we need some feedback from you for this! You can do that in several ways If you don’t do anything we will just be off topic the entire show.

#059: Antenna Design – With Ham Radio Dude

Okay, we were supposed to have Chris from Radio Stuff on to talk about antenna design, but he couldn’t make it unfortunately, so we asked ‪@HAMRADIODUDE‬ to take his place, and he said yes!