#013: Hamfests – Are they really that great?

It’s ham fest weekend, with both Huntsville and the Tokyo Ham Fair taking place the same weekend as Morten LB0FI local ham fest in Moss, Norway which drew close to 100 visitors. True to form, the discussions veers off topic in less then 45 seconds, onto the newly announced TH-D75. Bob LB5JJ is convinced that radio will be an instant classic, and be worth more used in 2 years when Kenwood inevitably stops producing it. And as such, buying it should be considered an investment. Kjetil LB4FH took part in the Swedish Radio Amateur Leagues portable test, where less power gives more points. Making one QSO with less the 1W. Walt K4OGO, going in the exact opposite direction, has been testing out his new FT-891 running 100W from the beach, but was interrupted by surfers. Tobias DL3MHT is back at work following his bicycle accident, and have had little time for radio. And Bob has been out sick and haven’t activated a single park or summit all week. Morten spent time looking for a QRO radio for POTA, putting on a ham fest and activating a noisy POTA park. He also brings home a VERO – VR-N7500 VHF/UHF from the ham fest. There’s much talk about the N-7500, with everyone agreeing it’s a nice concept, though there is some doubt if it will be able to deliver on all its promises. Bob has time for a quick remark about getting his IC-2820 back up in the shack just before the conversation takes de long detour into fire alarms. By happy coincidence the topic meanders back to ham fests, and the crew considers going to HAM Radio Friedrichshafen next year. That segments ends with the three Norwegians giving auto-bahn driving tips to the German. Rounding if the car related tangent, Walt talk about his plans for a new Coastal Waves & Wires-mobile. As for plans for next week, Kjetil and Bob are hoping to walk of any remaining illness by activating some summits. Tobias will be working on his power supply video and his DIY microphone adapter for his camera. Walt will be trying out his co-phasing harness with two buddy poles, and Morten will be testing out the N-7500.


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