#019: 3D Printing and Product Design for Ham Radio

Sean W9FFF aka HAM RADIO DUDE joins the regulars for a dive into 3D printing. Tobias DL3MHT has been playing with DMR, and falls down the rabbit hole of hotspot upgrades after a QSO with Kjetil. Kjetil LB4FH shares his tails of a windy and muddy SOTA activation and of “cheating” at CW. Walt K4OGO is getting over his “cold” and has been out playing radio from his new Jeep. Sean W9FFF has been helping a friend with AllStar and working on his town house HOA friendly 160m loop antenna. And still had time for a bit of assault and battery on a Retevis HT. Bob LB5JJ has had a slow radio week, but managed at least one summit. He’s also misplaced his 20m ground plane antenna. Morten has been doing videos all week, and has had great success with his new EFHW antenna; at least on the days he remembered to charge his batteries. Sean is giving away a Giga Dude and loads of other stuff to celebrate 24911 subscribers. And in another complete departure from the norm, the whole crew stays on topic for a good 40 minutes talking about 3D printing. And finally, William 2M0WHN is drawn as the winner of last weeks What’s the Mode contest. Congratulations!