#018: Hamshack Bonanza!
Walt K4OGO is dealing with the weather issues; being under the weather while a tropical storm rages just outside his house. Bob LB5JJ had a slow radio week, but did join a 80m/60m net from a park in Gothenburg. Kjetil LB4FH has managed 3 POTA activations and thus finishing his 2nd kilo-award. Tobias DL3MHT has finished his Insta360 microphone adapter, and also took part in the chase on the Youtubers Mega Stream. Morten LB0FI has several layers of fall-back plans fail in his POTA activations, but in the end manages the activation on FT8. He’s also one of the hosts in this weeks Youtubers Mega Stream, logging 73 contacts after an almost two hour long pule-up. The crew goes on a minor tangent on the different energy sources for cars, and the importance of not mixing then up. We get introduces to a new segment: What’s that mode – where the viewers are invited to guess the mode based on how it sounds. And in a show running a little over 20 minutes long, the last hour is, quite unexpectedly, spent on the topic of ham shacks. We get to see really cool pictures from the viewers shacks, and there’s much talk about what we see. And last but not least; Morten introduces the word-of-the-week: Embiggen!